This was a video for the Kickstarter campaign for the card game “Deadly Desserts”. I was able to utilize the fantastic art created by the game’s illustrator Jenny Ling. The project ended up being an interesting exercise in rigging up art that wasn’t designed for animation—which is generally not recommended.

Rigging is the process of taking art and making an animatable “puppet” out of it. Depending on your needs and ambition you can make the puppet super simple or complex. The Gummy Archers, for example were pretty simple rigs that just rotated their heads, shifted their torsos, and moved their archery hand. But for the “Hangry Pig” at about 00:24 into the video, I didn’t just have his limbs rigged up, but made it so his belly would bounce dimensionally, and also cut out all his individual facial features and ears and rigged them together in such a way that they would simulate proper parallaxing perspective as his head turned around in addition to a jaw that bounced around as a bit of secondary animation to sell the inertia and his general chunkiness.